Monday, April 20, 2009

Quick Spring, Early Summer

As you can see in this Easter Sunday photo, we had a great holiday and early brunch with our warm and delightful family. L to R: Jim, Marcia, Connor(9) Elaine, Dylan,(7) Craig, Seth (blue shirt), Anthony.
The bling on the table was done to 2 of our starfish from our dear friend Debby B. who is the "Bling Queen" ! She enhanced the following "Spring Week" with a fabulous tea at her gorgeous home which included her 3 stunning daughters, all four of them together full of wit, laughter, plenty of smarts, that winning and rare combination of beauty, brains and disarming charm. And, they talk politics with ease .........who can't talk politics and economy these days? As Nikki said, stay informed people !!
Over the weekend the weather turned dry and hot as the Santa Ana winds blew in and spread its hot breath over Southern California. My roses think it is August, so they are blooming like mad. The cats need brushing twice a day as their heavy fur coats are no longer needed. 90 degrees in Newport Beach, CA in April is a record. So, we suggest that if you live in a part of the country that is warm now, or even just "mild", take advantage of it and fire up the BBQ, set the table with your favorite colors and dine outside alfresco under the stars with the fresh scent of newly blooming night jasmine beginning to fill the air. Add some candlelight and the people you love to celebrate these "ease into Summer" breezes. As we say, every day is a gift.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Winter is Behind Us

.........and Spring is here. Beautiful, life affirming springtime, with tulips, daffodils, delphinium, foxglove, the roses budding and opening to the sun. Soft breezes and bright skies filled with billowy clouds. The sound of nature around us coming awake and looking forward to the warm, easy days of summer. Eastertime is so beautiful; full of anticipation. Easter Sunday is always joyful for all the obvious reasons and then some. Being able to see the family and friends you have missed the last few months. Time for ham and butter biscuits; colorful berries on a meringue crust. Champagne in colorful flutes, raspberries bumping against the interior of the glass. A time when you can use squares of young green grass as the anchor to your brunch table centerpiece. Stacking colorfully painted Easter eggs on a big platter, topped with a daisy.
So, time to be creative and set the table ! I am using my bright fuschia place mats with white polka dots ! My lavender colored goblets I hand carried back from France in 2002. Mounds of cookies and treats on the table. We found some great little ceramic buckets full of cookies for our grandsons. Maybe truffles for the adults, each boxed by the plates of our guests.
Take a deep breath and be grateful for each day. The moments add up to memories; and we can carry them with us, always.
Embraceable Spring !