Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Only Constant is Change

Reflections that start with the first day of Spring come with a renewal of spirit. For so many people, including us, it is a time to recognize that this Recession and the losses just about everyone has suffered, also can offer a chance to "go back to basics"; to re-evaluate our positions and make the necessary changes for our emotional and economic survivals. It is different for everyone; we each have our own set of dynamics with which to cope. Everyone I talk to is challenged by this economy, one way or another. Very wealthy people have noted huge losses in their portfolios; families are cutting back on unnecessary expenses; professional people are evaluating where to spend their money and on what. Some people are renting out their homes and moving to smaller places. Some are selling, if they can and moving elsewhere. People are getting a 2nd job. Real Sellers are reducing the listing prices of their homes; real buyers make offers on those bargains. It is all relative.

We all still need to eat; to share some quality time with each other, our families and friends. It is so important to stay connected when under stress. This weekend we had dear friends over, just the 6 of us. Maui and Luci (our DIVINE cats/divas) always help. They know by the brisk activity and what the cooking furiously mean ..........more people at home to pet them and play with them. They certainly keep me grounded and calmer. Luci (the Balinese, we think) likes to survey the table when I am done setting it. She was there this past Friday to help me out. Maui (the Maine Coon) was snoozing by the fireplace in his favorite chair, so I had some significant morale support. It was a cold day in Newport Beach that day, so the fireplace in the dining room was lighted and making the day special with that endearing contrast of cold outside and warmth from a fire inside.

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