Friday, October 2, 2009
Setting the Table at the Manor
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Time to set the table again !

Friday, June 12, 2009
Catching Up, Lots of Positive Changes

It has been awhile since I have been able to write in this blog. We have moved our residence to a wonderful gated enclave in Newport Beach; we have joined the stunning and compelling real estate force, the McMonigle Group in Newport Beach. Affliated with Coldwell Banker Residential and Coldwell Banker Commercial NRT. The McMonigle Group, lead by the visionary John McMonigle has been named by the Wall Street journal recently as the #1 Real Estate Group in the nation. The global reach of the company is palatable; the affliations John has created with his far reaching insight has changed the face of real estate practice in Southern California and beyond.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Quick Spring, Early Summer
Monday, April 6, 2009
Winter is Behind Us

So, time to be creative and set the table ! I am using my bright fuschia place mats with white polka dots ! My lavender colored goblets I hand carried back from France in 2002. Mounds of cookies and treats on the table. We found some great little ceramic buckets full of cookies for our grandsons. Maybe truffles for the adults, each boxed by the plates of our guests.
Take a deep breath and be grateful for each day. The moments add up to memories; and we can carry them with us, always.
Embraceable Spring !
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
The Only Constant is Change

Monday, March 16, 2009
I took this photo of the Sellers Winery vines, laden with fruit when we visited Dani and Ed Sellers in Paso Robles last August. The promise of the grapes is like the promise of Spring: new beginnings, fresh ideas, a time to marvel at life. Watching 60 Minutes last night which also featured Alice Waters, founder of the brilliance behind the legendary Chez Panisse in Berkeley, CA was an inspiration too. Intuitively, I am always drawn to the freshest foods available and there is nothing better that the snap of fresh corn just out of the field under your teeth; or that delectable mixture of smell and taste of a brilliant tomato just off the vine. Making fresh pesto yesterday for a topping on the wild salmon dinner last night was relaxing with a delicious result. I am making Shrimp Stew with a twist for Dani and Ed tonight and will use the pesto to top off the bowls. We will serve their wonderful wine with dinner and drink to the bounties of our planet, if we pay attention to keeping it safe. I am using shells from my collection, as the centerpiece as an ode to the shrimp. Like a gift to Neptune for the bounty of the sea.
Each day is a gift, so enjoy what it may offer. I welcome your comments on my blog; I would love to have some to read !!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Same plates, different accents
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Winter at the Beach
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Beautiful Days Doing our Jobs
About that Birthday Party: given by my dear friend Alison and her stunning daughter Meredith, for Meredith's excellent boyfriend Alex. Alison gave me all of a week to paint something for him, for this special occasion. It was wonderful to dive in last weekend and paint for 12 hrs. straight one day and 4 more hours 2 subsequent days. It was joyful for me to see how happy he was when he opened the box. The painting is still drying, but at least he could see it. Soon it will grace his walls and we have yet another connection of great memories.
I have the good fortune of working with some excellent clients in both real estate and my design business. Everyone is feeling the challenges of this historic time in America and it seems even more important that we do our jobs very well; that we treat our clients, family and friends with respect and calm. My son Seth has said since he was a teenager, that if everyone would "simply do their job, 90% of the problems would disappear !" So true. Going bonkers is not the answer. It seems that the grass roots level of individual efforts is going to help us all survive and get through these economic challenges with some dignity left and hopefully we can all spend our hard-earned, remaining dollars with forethought and prudence. This brings me to spending time at home with yourself, your pets, your mate, your family, both immediate and extended. Spend quality time together making a "potluck" style dinner in one home, maybe yours, with everyone bringing some ingredients for the dinner and chipping in to prep those fresh ingredients for a comforting meal. Make a homemade sauce for the pasta, and you will feel calmer just going through the process. The smell of it cooking is worth the simple effort ! Set your table with a bowl of red, yellow and orange sweet peppers, use your big, colorful napkins and see the smiles of contentment at your table. And add a great wine to that table. Go to Dani and Ed Sellers Winery blog at:
Every day is a gift; let's use it !
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Seizing the Moment
Monday, February 9, 2009
Weekend in Review
This all set the stage for a rejuvenating look that brightened the eyes of the family, as the needed rain poured down outside. The kitties always help me by moving the tablecloth into the right position. If you don't have the tablecloth you want, go to the fabric store and get some fabulous print or color and use a big swath on your table. It doesn't have to fit; if it is too small for your big table, crinkle it up and use it as an accent going the width of the table, not the length and let the extra length fall on each side of the width. Add accent colored napkins unfolded as your placemats on "the diamond" instead of squared on the table. Little things mean a lot in this case. Add tiny vases filled with leaves, herbs, flowers for miniature bouqets in the vases at each place setting.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Rain has arrived at the Beach
I mentioned 4 days ago I was going to write about the famous "Bobby" in our lives. We met Bobby and his partner Clive, in the wonderful antique shop they owned in Laguna Beach in 1978. We fell in love with a Queen Anne English Highboy with burled walnut drawers. They had lived with it too, in England and no longer had a use for it in their cottage in Laguna. So, they delivered it to us, joined us for cocktails and our friendship began. Bobby is one of those remarkable raconteurs who can keep one captive for hours (it seems like 15 minutes) with stories of his exuberant past. Dancing with Ava Gardner with her natural enticing personality; one of his great friends, Bumble, was the Edith Head of London Theatre. Through her and other pals he met all the greats of film and stage; and writers, producers, directors too. Bobby and I fell hard for each other. He tells me now, he knew instantly we were soul mates when we walked into his cottage for the first time and I said, "Oh, that must be tarragon and thyme on the lamb that I smell". Jim loves him as much as I do. The incredible sets of porcelain chinas, the hand painted crystal goblets and cordial glasses and so much more come from Bobby. When he presented the first remarkable set to me from his long relationship with the Baron, he explained that we are all just the caretakers of these beautiful things and to pass them on to those who will use and appreciate them as we do. Over the years, he has given me rare and valuable pieces, which I do use. I have some hanging on my walls around an antique mirror in the dining room. I have the luscious 19th Century green and white tea set on my mantle during the holidays and into Springtime. They are there now. Silver chargers from Bobby accent many of my table settings. His mother's handmade lace tablecloth is used often. You can see every stitch and loop. Only one of my friends has ever met Bobby, not because I don't want to share him, but because of his schedule. Everyone close to me knows about Bobby and I give him all the credit for my table settings. There is a photo here of Bobby and me in the foyer of our home. He is 94 years old and going strong. His mind never halts or waivers, the legs may need a rest after a bit, but the mind never stops. Writing about him in this blog is an ode to him. There will be others.
So when you are ready to set your table for an intimate dinner, a family or friends gathering, make it special. Use the leaves, herbs and flowers from your garden; use those special plates that are in the high cupboard. Each day, each moment is a gift and is also an opportunity to create.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Monday Evening Quarterbacking
Thoughts wander however, during those internable minutes with the "clock" at 2 minutes left in the game, when you know it will be at least in real time, 30 minutes. Mine wandered to the enjoyable evening the night before with my son Seth and his partner Anthony and our always interesting conversations they encourage. I know I will leave the evening having learned something new, like setting up this blog with Seth's help that night. Which brings me to food, entertaining and "Setting the Table".
We are all busy; we all have excuses, however excellent. But when it is time to share a meal with your mate or friends and family, why not make it a visual treat. It really only takes a few extra minutes. I have always thought that I can serve you a glass of water and a peanut butter sandwich, but why not set the "tablescape" so there are interesting things to look at besides your plate and each other. The tablescape becomes part of the larger environment, but can be its intimate centerpiece. The water can be in a pretty glass with a spring of mint; the peanut butter sandwich can be served on a vintage plate of milk - glass. Taking off from that simple fare, why not take it a few steps further and throw down your elderly Aunt's vintage tablecloth from the 40's; some fresh white daisies from the garden in your grandmother's syrup pitcher; that old bakelite silverware you bought at the flea market in college and make a statement to all, that yes, not only do we learn from the past, but we borrow its "visuals" too and make a humble snack a moment to remember. Each piece becomes an opportunity to expand the quiet conversation and speak of moments we all remember. After all, isn't a large part of life made of memorable moments?
I look in my cupboards; I iron old linen tablecloths; I see a basket of strawberries in my refrigerator and I remember picking them when linen sheets on the clothesline were creating shadows in my grandmother's backyard when she lived in Bakersfield and I was a little girl. There is nothing like that crisp, fresh strawberry smell, with the berry not seconds off the vine. I ate so many I got a rash on my behind and my grandma thought I was allergic. I didn't care, I have continued to eat them all my life and remember that moment in her garden each time. When I made dessert this past Saturday night a fresh berry cobbler, I remembered her garden again. And of course I remember her. Lilly.
So, when I stage a house; or freshen up my own; or set the table for another fun dinner, I know how lucky I am to have some history in my cupboards and drawers and even luckier to share them with people I love and treasure. In staging a home for a client, I like to start with using what people already have, then edit. Severely. I seem to breathe fresher air as a home begins to change and really show its light, angles and perspectives. It is lovely to see the relaxed surprise of the owners, to see how their very own things can transform a space into something more "au courant" and ultimately, "more them".
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Setting the Table - Redux

Welcome to Setting the Table!